Extra Curricula - Minnie Vinnies

Students in Years 4 – 6 may join St Mary’s Mini-Vinnies Group who meet to plan a variety of activities including community service. The group meet at lunchtime every Monday. Mini Vinnies comes under the St Vincent de Paul Society which is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope, and joy by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.

As a member of Mini Vinnies the children promise to make a difference by: Caring for, respecting & loving themselves, strengthening their friendship with Jesus by praying each day & talking to others about Jesus, caring for others in our school, community, by being a friend to those who are alone, in need or in trouble,contributing to the happiness of their families through help, respect, consideration, joy & kindness, caring for, appreciating & enjoying God’s creation: the environment, treating others the way threy would like to be treated.